Classes / 2009 /
play allAndromeda: 01 January
SB 11.5.10 Ciranjiva Prabhu 2009-01-04 - You have no closer friend than Paramatma
9.89 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.11 HH BV Madhava Maharaja 2009-1-6 There is no scope for any type of fruitive sacrifices in pure devotional service.
12.3 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.12 BV Madhava Swami 2009-01-07 By spiritual knowledge one achieves the most sublime state of eternal peace and bliss
12.45 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.13 HH BV Madhava Swami 2009-01-08 The glories of Ekadasi
11.99 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.14 Gangesvara Prabhu 2009-01-09 Constant war in the world is the result of animal slaughter
11.43 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.15 Ciranjiva Prabhu - Material life equals envy, spiritual life equals unconditional love
11.41 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.16 Aniruddha Prabhu 2009-01-11 - Challenge of presenting KC to Aussies
13.88 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.17 Aniruddha Prabhu 2009-01-12 How the two energies of Maya act on us
8.56 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.18 HH Indradyumna Swami 2009-01-13 Our obstinacy to enjoy in material world keeps us away from Krsna
14.54 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.19 Sri Prahlada Prabhu 2009-01-14 Bhakti-yoga takes shape according to the spiritual qualification of the practitioner
6.85 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.20 HH Indradyumna Swami 2009-01-15 The incarnations of Krsna come as innumerable waves in an ocean
8.12 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.23 Sri Prahlada Prabhu 2009-01-17 Names by which Krsna is glorified in Satya yuga
8.4 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.24 Vijaya Prabhu 2009-01-16
6.4 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.24-26 Aniruddha Prabhu 2009-01-18 - Spiritual awakening will occur if given opportunity
8.42 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.27 Sri Prahlada Prabhu 2009-01-19 Unique features that make meditation on Krsna easier
6.03 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.28 HH Bhaktisiddhanta Swami 2009-01-20 We should identify and improve our strengths
5.79 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.29-30 HG Chandrashekhar Prabhu 2009-01-21The living entities are subordinate to Supreme Personality of Godhead
7.58 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.31-32 HH Indradyumna Swami 2009-01-22 In Kali-yuga simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra one can become free from material bondage
9.12 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.33 Sri Prahlada Prabhu 2009-01-23 Take shelter of Lotus feet of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to cross the ocean of material existence
9.09 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.34 HH Prabhavishnu Swami 2009-01-24 Importance of book distribution
10.23 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.35 HH Indradyumna Swami 2009-01-25 Krishna comes to this material world to reclaim the fallen conditioned souls
7.55 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.36 HH Prabhavisnu Swami 2009-01-26 Enlightened persons appreciate the essential value of Kali-yuga
5.09 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.37 HH Prabhavisnu Swami 2009-01-27 Sankirtana is the cure for all diseases including Death
4.17 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.38-40 HH Indradyumna Swami 2009-01-28 Two types of pure devotees who descend from spiritual world to fulfill Lord's mission
6.4 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.41 HG Sri Prahlada Prabhu 2009-01-29 One who fully surrenders to Krsna is not indebted to anyone
10.01 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.42 Gangesvara Prabhu 2009-01-30 - Feel perfectly protected in devotional service
9.69 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.43-44 HG Aniruddha Prabhu 2009-01-31 The advantage of association with devotees
8.35 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.5 HG Sankarsana Dasa Adhikari 2008-12-30 Ritualistic religious ceremonies without surrendering to Krsna results in false pride
9.17 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.6 HH Bhanu Swami 2008-12-31 The entire universe is meant to be offered to Krsna as sacrifice
9.43 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.7 HH Bhanu Swami 2009-1-1Materialistic people cannot appreciate the transcendental status of devotees
7.72 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.8 HH Bhanu Swami 2009-1-2 In Kali-yuga Krsna has come as Srimad Bhagavatam which is just like the sun
6.31 MB · MP3
SB 11.5.9 Jagannatha Rama Prabhu 2009-1-3 Pastimes of Indradyumna Maharaja & glories of Ratha Yatra
10.91 MB · MP3