Classes / 2011 /
play allAndromeda: 04 April
HG Candrasekhara Prabhu 2011-04-13 Glories of Lord Sri Rama
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13.86 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.22-25 HH Ramai Swami 2011-04-01 Pathetic condition of dharma in Kali-yuga
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12.78 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.26 HH Ramai Swami 2011-04-02 One can transcend the 3 modes by engaging in devotional service
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11.14 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.27 Aniruddha Prabhu 2011-04-03 Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives krsna prema without any consideration
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17.9 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.28-30 Nanda Mandir Prabhu 2011-04-04 The enemy lust sits at the strategic positions of senses, mind & intelligence
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12.83 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.32 HH Bhanu Swami 2011-04-06 Bhakti can be performed at any time and place and under any circumstance
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10.74 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.33 HH Bhanu Swami 2011-04-07 Even if a dog-eater performs bhakti sincerely he achieves highest perfection
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9.42 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.37 HH Bhanu Swami 2011-04-10 In Kali-yuga only bhakti works
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13.06 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.44 Yamuna Lila Mataji 2011-04-11 In Kali-yuga people are materially very active but spiritually very lazy
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14.13 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.45-47 Kesava Prabhu 2011-04-12 One of the main purposes of Srimad Bhagavatam is to glorify the Holy Name
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12.49 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.48 Gangesvara Prabhu 2010-04-14 Preaching is the essence
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13.12 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.49 Nanda Mandir Prabhu 2011-04-15 By reading Caitanya Caritamrita we can understand the mind of Supreme Lord
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6.41 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.51 Jaganatha Ram Prabhu 2010-04-16 Glories of Kali-yuga
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17.03 MB · MP3
SB 12.3.52 Narayani Mataji 2010-04-17 Chanting Hare Krishna gives perfection in all yugas
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12.8 MB · MP3
SB 12.4.1-4 Candrasekhar Prabhu 2011-04-18 By hearing the name, qualities and pastimes of Krsna we can develop attachment for Him
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13.17 MB · MP3
SB 12.4.28 Gopa-Vrndesa Prabhu 2011-04-21 We are tiny living entity always in a dependent position
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9.99 MB · MP3
SB 12.4.29 Svarupa Sakti Mataji 2011-04-22 Krsna is the source of everything
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10.75 MB · MP3
SB 12.4.30-33 Candrasekhar Prabhu 2011-04-23 Jiva can be released from the clutches of maya by taking shelter of Krsna
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16.6 MB · MP3
SB 12.4.34-37 Gangesvara Prabhu 2011-04-24 Srimad Bhagavatam is full of stories of ressurection
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16.33 MB · MP3
SB 12.4.38-40 Mahaprabhu Prabhu 2011-04-25 The false gurus, babas and incarnations are the greatest terrorists
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16.01 MB · MP3
SB 12.4.41-43 Aniruddha Prabhu 2011-04-26 There is no other literature which can eclipse the glory of Srimad Bhagavatam
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11.76 MB · MP3
SB 12.4.5-6 Kesava Prabhu 2011-04-19 Chanting of the Holy Name should become the most relishable part of our existence
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10 MB · MP3
SB 12.4.7-27 Aniruddha Prabhu 20-4-2011 Universal annihilation
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10.36 MB · MP3
SB 12.5.1 HG Jagattarini Mataji 2011-04-27 The understanding of the Absolute Truth
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15.46 MB · MP3
SB 12.5.2 - Bhurijana Prabhu 2011-04-28
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13.44 MB · MP3
SB 12.5.3 HH Bhakti Rasamrita Swami 2011-04-29 Krsna is the original seed of all existences
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11.15 MB · MP3